Order The Sacramento Edition

This Fall, The Sacramento Edition makes a comeback, with a new director of Things to Do & See in Sacramento. Featuring six full interviews with Sacramento-based artists-community leaders capturing the challenges and opportunities in growing and sustaining Sacramento’s creative communities through personal storytelling.

In this edition, you’ll hear from:
Barbara Range ~ Gioia Fonda ~ Estella Sanchez
Liv Moe ~ Trisha Rhomberg ~ Harley White, Jr.

Alongside these interviews is the work of six additional artists invited by those who were interviewed to showcase a sampling of the thriving Sacramento creative community. This edition features the work of:
Aida Lizalde ~ Shonna McDaniels ~ Penelope Lenaerts
Xico Gonzalez ~ Manuel Rios ~ Milton 510 Bowens

288 pages with full-color images.


tax included
$10 shipping and handling

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